Local hero recognized for Take Steps campaign

The Greater San Diego and Desert Area Chapter of the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation has named Fallbrook resident Jerica Sanford its Take Steps 2024 Honored Hero.
Jerica Sanford

The event is scheduled for June 2 at NTC Park at Liberty Station in Point Loma with opening ceremonies at 10 a.m. Sanford's goal is "to bring awareness to what ulcerative colitis is and how it can drastically alter someone's life, which is why I am walking and raising funds in an effort to show hope (this is my seventh walk)."


Sanford explained that "This disease is hard, unpredictable and life altering. But together as an IBD community we keep taking steps, raising funds and creating and generating that awareness to help future generations with the goal of a cure. To be very clear, there is no cure, only drugs that may or may not work as everyone's genetic makeup is so different. This is not a cookie cutter disease and there are no cookie cutter solutions. It is all trial and error."


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