Getting Older


You might be wondering what your life will look like when you’re older. Are you still going to have the same healthcare team when you’re an adult? What are you going to be responsible for? What will your IBD look like by then? It can be a lot to think about! The good news is, you don’t have to plan for it all at once.


As you get older, you’ll start to be responsible for more of your own health plan. That can mean monitoring what foods you eat, tracking your own medication, and even making your own doctor’s appointments. It’s a good idea to start asking questions about what’s happening with your health plan now, so that you understand what’s happening when it’s time for you to take over. You can ask questions as many times as you need to!


When you start to take more responsibility for your own care, you can make a plan with your healthcare team to help support you and make sure you have everything you need. It can feel intimidating at first, but you’re already the expert in your own body! 

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