First-of-its-kind technology provides individualized, actionable insights on dose and interval for infliximab

Prometheus Laboratories recently announced the launch of PredictrPK IFX, which uses a machine learning algorithm to combine patient weight, current dose and interval, measured serum IFX, measured antibodies-to-infliximab and albumin levels to predict optimal, individualized infliximab dosing. This new technology can help validate existing treatment plans or investigate alternative doses and intervals.

Read the full press release from Prometheus Laboratories here:

Crohn's & Colitis Foundation

The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization focused on both research and patient support for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), with the mission of curing Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and improving the quality of life for the millions of Americans living with IBD. The Foundation’s work is dramatically accelerating the research process, while also providing extensive educational and support resources for patients and their families, medical professionals, and the public.