Clinical Trial Video Series

Explore our clinical trial video library to hear from patients, research coordinators, and clinical trial investigators who are involved in the clinical research space.


Hear from Patients: Brandon | Carly | Sara | Ken | Catherine | Vishal | Andrea

Hear from Doctors: Millie

Hear from Clinical Research Coordinators: Miriam

Hear Myths/Facts from a Clinical Research Coordinator and a Patient: Chad and Alyssa

Hear from a Pediatric Caregiver and Doctor: William and Paul

Learn more about clinical trials in Spanish


Video Length 00:02:37

Understanding Clinical Trials for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis It's important to remember that it is only through patient participation in clinical trials that researchers are able to determine the safety and effectiveness of new treatment options for the IBD community. While joining a clinical trial may sound a bit scary, it is important to realize that all IBD treatments currently in use were first proved effective and safe to use through clinical trials.


Video Length 00:02:55

Clinical Trial Journey: Telehealth Call with Your Doctor Myisha talks to Dr. Greywoode about clinical trials for IBD.


Video Length 00:01:20

The critical role of pediatric clinical trials in IBD care Clinical trials that include children with IBD enable physicians to better assess the risks and benefits of treatments and help speed up the development of new approaches that meet the special needs of children’s bodies. However, many of the treatments currently used to treat children are based on results from clinical trials that only included adult participants.


Hear from Patients

Brandon: Crohn's Patient
"My disease came abruptly. I never had any history of Crohn’s. My disease manifested from a perianal abscess that formed into a complex fistula. I was diverted with an ileostomy and I was told I that I would have 3 months or so before my ileostomy would be reversed. And the three months kept dragging on, so I started researching clinical trials."

Carly: Crohn's Patient
"The reason why there weren’t medications when I was younger is because developing medications take a long time. And you can’t develop a medication unless you go through a clinical trial process."

Sara: Crohn's Patient
"It was amazing to feel what I think is normal. When you are sick for that long, you forget what your normal is. The clinical trial got me to the point where I feel healthy enough to be able to carry a baby. It's such a blessing."

Ken: Crohn's Patient
"If you are at a point in your disease where you've tried other options and [clinical trials] can bring you relief, don’t let the fear be something that drives you away from health and happiness."

Catherine: Crohn's Patient
"I think the most satisfying thing is feeling like you're in some ways alive again."

Vishal: Ulcerative Colitis Patient
"I was glad to have been part of it both because I fortunately had a benefit from the [medication] but also [...] that my experience, and as some say maybe courage of being enrolled in a clinical trial will help others down the road who are in a similar situations."

Andrea: Ulcerative Colitis Patient
"My doctor said I would be a really good contender for a clinical trial that they had coming up. No one to this point had even mentioned to me a clinical trial of any kind."

Hear from Doctors

Millie: Gastroenterologist
Dr. Millie D. Long, gastroenterologist at the UNC School of Medicine, explains how IBD clinical research has evolved.

Millie: Gastroenterologist
Dr. Millie D. Long, gastroenterologist at the UNC School of Medicine, explains why participation in clinical trials is important for IBD patients.

Hear from Clinical Research Coordinators

Miriam: Research Coordinator
Miriam Perez, research coordinator at UNC School of Medicine, explains how she goes about recruiting patients to participate in clinical trials.

Miriam: Research Coordinator
Miriam Perez, research coordinator at UNC School of Medicine, explains what happens if a clinical trial participant receives a placebo during the trial.

Miriam: Research Coordinator
Miriam Perez, research coordinator at UNC School of Medicine, explains what happens if a patient's disease worsens while participating in an IBD clinical trial.

Miriam: Research Coordinator
Miriam Perez, research coordinator at UNC School of Medicine, explains how success is measured in an IBD clinical trial.

Miriam: Research Coordinator
Miriam Perez, research coordinator at UNC School of Medicine, explains what a clinical trial visit is like.

Miriam: Research Coordinator
Miriam Perez, research coordinator at UNC School of Medicine, explains how communication occurs between the patient and research team during an IBD clinical trial.

Hear Myths/Facts from a Clinical Research Coordinator and Patient: Chad and Alyssa

A research coordinator and a clinical trial ambassador discuss myths and facts of clinical trials
NEW! In this video, Chad Rypstra, a research coordinator and Alyssa Ames, a Clinical Trials Ambassador debunk myths of IBD clinical trials and explain what it’s like to participate in a clinical trial for IBD

A caregiver and physician conversation about pediatric clinical trials
In this video, IBD caregiver William Joachim and Dr. Paul Rufo discuss the importance of pediatric clinical trials in IBD treatment and care.