Getting Help 



Has your IBD ever made things harder for you? Maybe a flare disrupted one of your favorite activities, or you have to plan ahead for every meal. Maybe IBD has just made taking care of yourself way more complicated lately. It can be frustrating! You might feel sad or angry about the disruptions to your life. Lots of people with IBD have to deal with these frustrating situations, and aren’t sure how to handle those feelings.


Remember, there are always people that you can talk to about how you are feeling. It might be your parents or guardians, your school’s guidance counselor, your friends, or other people you trust. Sometimes it can be helpful to talk to a professional, like a therapist, to help you talk about your feelings more easily. Remember, there’s no such thing as a wrong feeling! If you are feeling sad or frustrated, because of your IBD or for any other reason, the things you’re feeling are real. Talking about those feelings can help you decide how you want to respond.

Code breaker

Decode the message by typing the correct solution under each coded letter.