Educational PowerPoint: Overview of IBD for Healthcare Professionals

If you need an educational resource to teach your fellows or other healthcare professionals about general aspects of IBD, use the comprehensive PowerPoint deck below. This resource was created by expert faculty of the Foundation's Professional Education Committee.

Presentation highlights:

This deck provides a comprehensive overview of IBD including:

  • Diagnosis — clinical features, symptoms, extraintestinal manifestations
  • Medical treatment — adverse effects,  options for mild, moderate, and severe disease
  • Surgical treatment — procedures, postoperative course
  • Additional considerations — shared decision-making, special populations, health maintenance

  Click here to download the slides (skip "Create an account" step) 

Note: This deck was created with the intent of providing the most up-to-date information as of May 2020. However, it is the responsibility of the presenter to review and update the information as needed to ensure accuracy. The Foundation shall not be liable for any added/modified language utilized by presenter. Any added or modified content will be clearly labeled as such and presenter will own the copyright solely to the added content.