Navigating Daily Life with IBD

Managing the physical symptoms of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis is just one part of living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

There are several challenges of living with these chronic illnesses that can affect your daily life:

  • Perceived stigma of IBD

  • Going to work and school

  • Managing relationships

  • Navigating social situations

  • Body image

Taking care of your mental and emotional health is just as important as treating your physical symptoms. If you feel you may be struggling with depression or anxiety, seek treatment from a mental health professional. You don’t have to suffer in silence.

Video Length 1:43

Battling IBD negativity Patients and caregivers often struggle with the stigma of being affected by Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Hear how other patients manage this stigma and how telling their story has helped them raise awareness.

Erasing the Stigma

It is stressful and isolating to feel like you are being treated differently because of your Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, or to be worried that others may see you differently.

We understand how negative perceptions about the physical, and often invisible, symptoms of IBD can make it hard for you to feel understood and supported. Instead, we want you to feel empowered.

Learning to talk about your disease can help combat stigma and educate your friends and family about how you manage your illness while still living your best life.

Video Length 00:01:39

Explaining IBD to Others How you talk about IBD to others is important! It’s an opportunity to educate someone and raise awareness about your disease. Hear how patients have shared their experience and their thoughts on how people react to learning about their journey.

Going to Work and School

Whether you are employed or going to school (or both), it can be stressful to worry about how to manage your IBD symptoms outside of the comfort of your home.

It is possible to be successful at work or school and enjoy your time there, even as you learn to navigate your Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis in a public setting.

There are, however, times when you will need to make changes to your career plan or education if there are too many negative impacts on your physical and mental health. Some of those challenges include:

  • A schedule or task that is too physically demanding

  • Lack of schedule flexibility

  • Lack of support from your boss or supervisor

  • Too much stress


Video Length 11:35

Kalee's story- Getting Through School with IBD Kalee shares her experiences when managing stress, school, and Crohn's disease.

Managing Relationships

A strong support system is crucial for people with IBD. Yet living with IBD can complicate relationships with your family, friends, and significant others.

Life with IBD can be a rollercoaster of physical, emotional, social, and financial complications, and your loved ones often go along for the ride. There are several ways Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis can impact your relationships:

  • The ups and downs of IBD can strain relationships over time as your disease alternates between active flares and periods of remission.

  • Your family members and friends often become your caregivers when your disease is flaring.

  • When it is a child with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, siblings may also have emotional challenges as they the daily needs of the child with IBD are managed.

  • Some people will be supportive of your needs as you manage life with a chronic illness, while others may be less understanding.

You can build and maintain strong relationships as you manage the ups and downs of IBD. Make a point to surround yourself with positive people who care about your physical and emotional health. A strong support system will value and respect you.

Watch our video series on relationships and IBD to hear how other patients and caregivers deal with building a support system.

Video Length 11:51

Rebecca's Story- Being an IBD Caregiver Rebecca shares her personal experiences as a caregiver to her husband, who has Crohn's disease.


Video Length 10:37

Justin's IBD Story A former football player during his high school days, Justin talks about his experiences living with IBD and how he found a supportive community.

Video Length 9:13

José's IBD Story José was an avid boxer, diagnosed with ulcerative colitis as a young man. After connecting to a community of others like him, he felt support like never before.

Navigating Social Situations

Everyone needs to get out of the house and have fun, whether it’s a night out with friends, seeing a movie in the theater, cheering on your favorite sports team, or going to a birthday party.

Socializing with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis means having to plan ahead.

  • Locate bathrooms at your destination and along the way.

  • Talk to your friends and family about what kind of support you might need when you are out.

  • Check out restaurant menus ahead of time to make a meal plan without feeling rushed.

Video Length 11:11

Relationships and Dating- Jacalyn’s Story Jacalyn shares her experiences when it comes to dating and relationships as someone living with IBD.

Video Length 4:23

#myIBD: Clay Smith Crohn's patient Clay Smith shares how he copes as a gay man with the psychosocial impact of his disease.


Body Image

How you feel about your physical appearance and how your body functions can have both a positive and negative impact on your self-esteem, your relationships, and your mental health.

Body image is something many people struggle with, but living with a chronic illness can amplify negative feelings about your body. IBD can have an overwhelming impact on how you look and how you feel, both emotionally and physically, as you deal with medication side effects, disease symptoms, nutrition changes, and surgery.

Video Length 00:01:17

Body Image and IBD Three patients discuss how IBD affects the way they view their bodies and share tips for keeping a positive outlook.


Video Length 12:30

Body Image with IBD- Emily’s Story Emily was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in her teens, but shares some of her challenges related to body image.

Related Resources

Fact sheet

Emotional Factors (.pdf)...

Fact sheet on emotional factors


Mental Health and IBD Infographic...

Mental health and IBD infographic

Fact sheet

Managing IBD as a Young Adult (.pdf)...

Young adult fact sheet