Rena's Story

Patient Story
Philosopher Wayne Dyer once said that, "When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change." When I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2008, it was easy to fall into a mode of feeling isolated and alone during periods of flares. I forgot what life was like as an energetic and healthy young professional. The expectation of a healthy life and the unfair reality caused a lot of unnecessary suffering. What I learned is that we all have the option to dance with life. Crisis can open a door to a new opportunity, a loss can be seen as a gain, and a breakdown can turn into a breakthrough.

Philosopher Wayne Dyer once said that, "When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change." When I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2008, it was easy to fall into a mode of feeling isolated and alone during periods of flares. I forgot what life was like as an energetic and healthy young professional. The expectation of a healthy life and the unfair reality caused a lot of unnecessary suffering. What I learned is that we all have the option to dance with life. Crisis can open a door to a new opportunity, a loss can be seen as a gain, and a breakdown can turn into a breakthrough.

Eight years after my initial diagnosis I found myself with a permanent ostomy. Her name is Rita, and together we are learning how to regain our lives back. I am thankful that she allows me to be able to study, travel, swim and indulge in my passion for cooking. I chronicle my journey on my blog, and hope that my story can help to support and inspire other young ostomates like me. My journey with IBD has also led me on a path to pursue a degree in acupuncture, something that has brought an invigorated joy for learning and a passion to help other patients suffering from chronic diseases.