Position Papers

Working with IBD stakeholders who represent the provider, research, and patient communities, the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation addresses key policy issues through position statements. These statements often include a published analysis of the scientific, policy, or other evidence supporting the position. The following position statements and educational resources are available online:


This page includes educational resources along with an overview of the Foundation’s position on biosimilars. Regular updates are made to the policy based on new evidence or regulatory changes. 

Medical Cannabis 

This page includes education on cannabis and CBD, the Foundation’s published research on the evidence related to medical cannabis, the regulatory environment, and considerations patients and providers should discuss related to cannabis and CBD. The Foundation position on medical cannabis and CBD is also featured. Updates to the materials are made based on changes by the FDA or other agencies and as new evidence is presented.

Healthcare Reform 

The Foundation advocates for protections for persons with pre-existing conditions. See our policy statement addressing broad coverage and access reforms related to the Affordable Care Act.


Additional position statements on a variety of treatment and research topics are available by contacting the IBD Help Center