Talking to Teachers

Once an evaluation of your needs is completed, accommodations, special services, or adjustments to your school activities due to your IBD can be made. These accommodations can include, but are not limited to:

  • The freedom to go to the bathroom whenever you need to
  • Permission to use a private bathroom, like the one in the nurse’s office
  • A place to keep your emergency supplies, maybe near that bathroom in the nurse’s office
  • Permission to take regularly scheduled and emergency medication at the nurse’s office
  • Permission to eat snacks and drink liquids throughout the day
  • Get help with classwork that you missed and have quizzes, tests, and projects rescheduled
  • “Stop the clock” during tests so you can use the bathroom and not lose any test-taking time
  • Excused absences due to illness, medical appointments, and treatments
  • A home tutor if you have to be out of school for a while

Even if you are doing well and do not feel like you need a 504 Plan, it is always good to have it in place just in case.

Ask your teachers and school nurses to download A Guide for Teachers and Other School Personnel [PDF]. It has information specifically to help them understand IBD, its effect on you, and what they can do to help.