Questions to Ask Your Doctor

It’s natural to have many questions about what your life will be like with ulcerative colitis. We can help you find those answers.

The best way to prepare for your life with ulcerative colitis is to become partners with your doctor and to learn all you can about your disease and how to manage it. We can help you with these first steps by suggesting several questions to begin the dialogue with your doctor.


Understanding Ulcerative Colitis


Lifestyle and Relationships


Exploring Treatment

  • How is ulcerative colitis treated?

  • What are the risks and benefits of treatment?

  • What kind of side effects should I expect from my medication?

  • Will I require surgery? If so, what does that entail?

  • What other treatments are available?

  • Are vaccines safe for me?


Managing Your Disease


Communication Tips

  • Take a pen and paper to your appointment so that you can write down terminology and any questions to address with your doctor. Include a list of your top concerns to discuss with your doctor.

  • Ask your doctor or nurse how best to contact them in between appointments with follow up questions.

  • Tell your doctor everything you are taking, including vitamins and supplements.


Related Resources

IBD Symptom Tracker...

Symptom tracker to fill out and bring to provider visit


Living with Ulcerative Colitis...

A brochure to help patients and their caregivers learn about how to manage ulcerative colitis.